What a great finish to the race...oh my gosh Edwards almost lost it in the wall...but huge effort! Also, Kyle SUCKS. Karma has got this whiney little boy by the nads! Three weeks of complete enjoyment with his karma (as Basher noted).
Things are looking up for Kyle though... he pulled in 28th this week, his best Chase finish yet! He may end up with a top 10 by the time we get to Miami
I was lucky enough to be at Kansas Speedway to see Kyle suck on the track. It was so funny listening to him whine and cuss about his car on the fan scan. I loved every minute of it. Just curious did anyone see the huge Kyle busch sucks sign that was hangning in turns one and two in the infield. It was mine LOL.
i was also at the new hampshire speedway, both times when he sucked soooo bad last year on them he went from 1st and then the first race of the chase in nh brought him to like 8th. it was pretty much one of the best moments of my life, and i got to meet kasey kahne the same day :]
I am glad what Kevin Harvick did to him with 10 laps to go,the truck race in Marinsville.Kevin tapped him and took the lead for good.I am a Kevin Harvick fan and was excited to hear that.If you go on www.kevinharvick.com there is a fan central and there is one with 39 responses that Kyle Busch SUCKS,under the forums,page 3 or 4
i didn't get to see the truck finish but i heard about it, is it on youtube yet? im going to look for it because it sounds funny. ohh, and i will be at the daytona race in july, i'll be sure to make a sign. hating kyle.