I know this isnt a bash aginst Kyle but. I am proud to be the sites latest FULL BASHER
I am fu-kyle-you-f-ing-f and I am a PROUD full basher of the KYLE BUSCH SUCKS FORUM and I approve this message
Just to keep this post within the rules Kyle you are a dumbo eared, mule faced, gerbil abusing, talent-less, goofy sunglass wearin, rump riding, gay crack-whore. You ARE the infected pimple on the A** of Nascar. (that shoud make this post legal)
Kyles middle name is Hillshire, cause he's a real sausage smoker
I felt very proud of myself also when it let me know that I am an official Full Basher. I dont know, I just don't think "baby basher" gets the true feeling out in which i have towards kyle and his uglyass retarded, gay , F&ckhead ways.